I am the girl who likes to look through the patterns at the thrift. Not usually for the patterns themselves, but the pictures. And I love the guy pictures especially! Would you marry a guy, much less date him, if he wore a cape? I like to be the fancy one when we go out. And the guys in their pj's are just a little aloof and sexy!
But when I saw this pattern, I let out a little inner squeal. It was because of the print fabric.
I have a pillow that I made, all hand stitched, using the same fabric. My mom had made an outfit for my sisters, and there was this bit that she had left over. I've had this pillow since about 1976.
When my family moved, my best friend drew me a picture on this little bit of silk. It says "Katie C. is my best friend". And I have just gotten back in touch with this childhood friend last week. Linda Jo is going to get a giggle when she sees this pillow! I wonder if she is going to remember drawing it for me.
See the importance of thrift shopping! It truly touches lives :) What did you find this week? Remember to visit Stacey to see her thrifty goodies.