This week I was walking through my local Goodwill and wasn't finding a thing! Has this ever happened to you? Well I was getting kinda bummed about it too. Who wouldn't, right?
Until I got to the back of the store. I found three different pieces of vintage fabric! Such a score for me!
There was a time when I declared that I was only going to use vintage fabric. Well, you know that that did not work. Who can not resist all those beautiful new fabrics.
But now I have this new collection to deal with. So this sweet yardage is being cleaned with hot water and Oxy Clean. And I am dreaming of what to make with it. Do you have any inspiration or ideas for me?
Now's your chance to link up here with your recent thrifty find. I just love seeing what you all can't live without! Stop by and visit my thrifty sister Stacey and please add our button to your post or sidebar.
What a great find. If you were here you would leave a lot w/o finding anything as nothing vintage shows up in our Salvation Army store. We have one other which is run by the Catholic Church and is open on Sat for a few hours only. Everything is one dollar or .50 and there is where some pretty clothing can be found. It's funny lots of blog sewing ladies are getting out the yellow and white gingham even me I lined some felt strip bags with it. Nan
Oh what a wonderful find. I just love vintage fabric.
Oh my! I just checked in a Vintage Sheets Blog and saw that I won YOUR giveaway!!! That's so cool!!! Excited to give the doll quilt to my daughter for her dollies! YAY!
Have a great night! Gotta go make dinner...starving after seeing all the food pictures from the art show :o) !!!
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