Tuesday, August 12, 2008

welcome back

I went to Target today and spent too much there as always. But it was for a special cause...my kids go back to school next week! Can you hear the cheering and see the dancing. Picture me doing the hustle, or better yet, don't!

During the summer it goes by so slow and it is so hard to keep my kids off of each other. I always have so much planned to do but there is so much that doesn't get done. Calling those old friends to get together, going to SF museums, surprising daddy at work. These are all simple things, but they were missed.

So I thought I would (should) look at things positively and share some more of the things that we did do this summer.

Went to the Alameda Flea Market first Sunday in June.

Did some sewing with William. He picked out this fabric and it turned into a blanket for his dog. He also got a real big boy haircut.

Picking blackberries with the kids just before July 4th.

Finally getting some work done! yah!!

Getting to do a full day of thrifting. Orange was calling my name all day long!

And now that I am seeing the end of summer, I wonder where all the time went. It really did go by fast! Welcome back to school! I hope your kids are looking forward to it too!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Did you make a pie with those wonderful blackberries? YUM!