Wednesday, April 30, 2008

this week

My family has been sick for the past seven days. I won't give you the gory details, but it started with Molly last Thursday. Then William, then Katie and Jeff. My Mom even came over on Monday to take care of my kids so me and my sweet heart could spend our 18th wedding anniversary alone in bed all day. And not in a good romantic way either. But I did suggest it through our aches and pains. It was met with a chuckle.

Well it has been driving me crazy being sick. All I could think of was all of the work I had to do. Timelines have to be met. Today was my first day out. I mailed out an etsy order, bought some pink chenille, ran to the grocery, and picked up Q from school. Lots of fun! I loved it, being able to cross things off my list. Do you think I will sleep better tonight?

All the while I was gone, my Jeff was asleep on the couch. Molly was having a tea party. It was a classic set up. She was so cute, I even got in quite a few pictures. Lucky mommy!

It was a perfect afternoon. And hopefully in a perfect world, my Q will still be the only one who won't get sick.

1 comment:

eatfruit said...

Poor you guys!

She looks like a fine little hostess. :)