Sunday, June 8, 2008

off to a good start

The school year ended on Friday. My kids will be home for the summer. I don't have a lot of big plans for us. Just a list in my head of some things I would like to do with them.

Mr. Toy and Q

And so far so good. After visiting with my sister-in-law, Kathryn, and visiting her worm bin, I thought it would be something great to share with the kids. Learning about reducing the waste that goes into our trash, and helping out our garden with worm castings (aka poop). And I thought they would be fascinated with having worms as pets. Well, I mentioned this to Mr. Toy and he thought of a trade. Good for us, and good for the school. So, thanks to Mr. Toy the science teacher, we will be having Speedy the Hamster with us for the month of August. In exchange for a worm bin. Yes worms.

UBE ice cream

On Friday after we got the worms safely home, we set out for an end of the school year celebratory ice cream. There is a new place by us called "Lourdes Ice Cream". I haven't heard of them before, but I love supporting local businesses. They have a purple ice cream called UBE. It is made out of sweet potatoes. And it was really good! I think I have a new favorite flavor. They also had avocado ice cream. The kids actually said it was a "classic" place.

Q mowing

And get this...Q has been bugging me about wanting to go to garage sales! So he has been doing some extra house work to earn more spending money. He is 9. I am so lucky to have a kid who wants to do something with me that I really love to do. So today we went to a local swap meet called Denio's. He spent his $11 on a r/c helicopter. I bought two other inexpensive toys for child #2 and #3. We looked at everything for about 3 hours. And he want's to go back there again! I think he is interested in buying some car speakers.


Amy said...

Oh my goodness...that IS purple ice cream! You will have to tell me where that place is - I want to go!

Dawn (elfini) said...

Lourdes Ice Cream ROCKS! Try their Mint Chocolate Chip - it is the best!

Sarah said...

I have been dying for Dave to make 'cado ice cream. Maybe for Fathers Day!