Thursday, July 17, 2008


We have been waiting all summer for Anthropologie to open. The closest one to me is in Berkeley. Which is a great place to stop on the way home from the Alameda Flea Market. But now there is one in Roseville at the Fountains. I bet it is packed with shoppers there everyday. I know it was when we went there.

So when "the girls" Katie and Maggie were going, I tagged along with my girl. And I didn't forget my camera this time! I was pretty sly, because I heard that some shops don't allow picture taking in their stores. I'm a rebel. My camera takes decent indoor pictures without a flash. Other shoppers were wondering what I was doing and I'm sure they thought I was weird. Why is that girl taking pictures of that curtain?

Hasn't everyone heard of flickr? Isn't everyone addicted to flickr? I have gotten better and don't post pictures everyday like I used to. But I do go check it out in the morning while I have my coffee. Great inspiration. So check out all of the pictures that I took at Anthroplogie. There is a ton of inspiration there, and they have decent sales.


Emma Farrell said...

I absolutely love it that you took your camera to Anthropologie!! I dragged Chris there a few weeks ago - I had to walk through twice!! It is just so inspiring! And with the shop now, I noticed their displays more than ever. I would love to meet the creative person who designs all of that! Can't wait to see you at Sunday Sellers.

Elfini (Dawn) said...

Hiya Katie! We finally went to the Fountains this afternoon to check things out. And the "wants" that developed from just a quick lap through Anthropologie were intense! Must go back with more time and more mullah!

And will keep a towel in the car if I go back with the kids!